Primary Care Networks
In 2019, NHS England introduced a 5-year plan (2019-2024) which included the Direct Enhanced Service (DES), aimed at improving access to and the quality of primary healthcare through local collaboration among healthcare providers. The DES was designed to be delivered through Primary Care Networks (PCNs), groups of general practices working closely with a range of providers, including community services, secondary care, pharmacies, voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSEs), and local authorities. Together, they deliver an integrated model of care that combines clinical and holistic approaches.
Through the DES, PCNs are also able to hire new healthcare professionals under the Additional Roles Reimbursement Scheme (ARRS), expanding their multidisciplinary teams and enriching the services provided in primary care.
In Islington, the Islington GP Federation has played a crucial role in the formation and leadership of local PCNs. The Federation currently supports 4 of the 5 PCNs in Islington by offering the following services:
Human Resources (HR) Support: Recruitment for ARRS and other PCN roles, employee assistance, and ensuring HR compliance with regulatory standards.
Analytics and IT Expertise: The Federation provides dashboards to monitor key performance targets such as the Investment and Impact Fund (IIF), pharmacy services, early cancer diagnosis, and the delivery of enhanced access services. The dedicated IT team also offers daily support and clinical software training.
Governance Support: Through roles such as the Caldicott Guardian, Medical Director, and Data Protection Officer, the Federation ensures that patient information is handled legally, ethically, and securely.
Financial and Accounting Management: The Federation supports PCNs with financial claims, payment processing, financial reporting, auditing, budgeting, and risk management.
Enhanced Access Service: Provided through the iHUB, offering extended clinical services across three hubs in Islington, supported by an operations team and an extensive clinical workforce to meet patient needs.
PCN Operations Team: This team assists in the day-to-day running of PCNs, including project and workforce management. They collaborate with shareholders and healthcare providers to ensure that services are both efficient and patient focused.
Looking ahead, PCNs will continue to evolve, with a focus on collaborative working within neighbourhoods, deeper integration of services, digital transformation, and a stronger emphasis on preventive care.