Practice Tutor Scheme

Educational sessions delivered between November 2023 and February 2024 will be reviewed and paid to eligible practices in March 2024.

Due to insufficient funding for 2024/25, Islington Training Hub is unable to process new claims for GP practices that have completed all 8 educational sessions in 2023/24.


About the scheme

The Practice Tutor Scheme (PTS) is open to all GP Practices in Islington to give practices protected time to support team led training and development. Practices can apply for eight funded educational sessions a year. Payments for PTS sessions will be paid twice a year.  

The PTS programme allows practices the autonomy to select training based on the learning needs of their staff, with the option to run educational sessions in their own practice settings or at Primary Care Network (PCN) level. Topics selected as PTS educational sessions can be clinical, with practice’s encouraged to use two sessions to support their QOF wellbeing plans. Practices cannot claim PTS funding for mandatory training.   

Participation in the programme is optional. Practices who do register for the scheme will need to nominate a PTS lead tutor to be the main point of contact for educational sessions and financial claims.   

The aim of this scheme is to fund protected learning time for general practice and widen participation in learning activities across the team. Reporting requirements will be kept to a minimum, with the PTS lead tutor to complete a short online form at the end of each PTS educational session to capture participant numbers, learner types, discussion topics and learning points. The form will be available via a QR code that can be downloaded here.

Diagram: PTS process for GP practices

Outstanding PTS payments

Islington Training Hub will contact practices who:

  • Have not registered for the Practice Tutor Scheme in 2023/24

  • Are still to claim all 8 educational sessions.

Islington Training Hub will continue to accept claims for new practices that have not registered for the PTS programme, or any practice that has outstanding educational sessions from their initial 8 available.


Reporting educational sessions

Practices will have until 31 July 2024 to register and claim outstanding PTS sessions.

Your PCN Educational Lead can support with ideas for training sessions.

Practices must complete a QR code for each PTS session. Payments will not be made to practices without a QR code submission. 

To download the QR code to submit your feedback and report your PTS session, click here:


PTS payments

Practices who join the scheme will receive: 

  • One-off administration fee when joining the scheme (£150)

  • Payment per PTS educational session: £300 per session up to a maximum of eight sessions across the year.

Islington Training Hub will contact practices one month before invoices are due to confirm:

  • Number of PTS sessions reported in payment cycle.

  • Total amount to be invoiced

Practices will have until 31 July 2024 to register and claim outstanding PTS sessions.


Questions & support

Please contact Islington Training Hub: