Islington Multi-Professional Educators Group


In Islington we have started to build a community of practice with monthly multi-professional educators and supervisors.

This group is a place where individuals can:

  • receive teaching content,

  • build confidence in delivery of their supervision and teaching,

  • share learning needs and challenges,

  • support one another with strategies to harness quality teaching and practice.

The monthly educator sessions are facilitated by Dr Rini Paul (Islington Training Hub Educator Lead / Islington GP).


Get involved

Upcoming sessions

All welcome to attend:


Inter-professional Supervision 

Date and time: Friday 19 April, 13:00-14:15
This session is a safe and confidential space to bring professional and educational dilemmas and use the supervision skills and format that Dr John Launer has taught us previously to practice unpicking sticky dilemmas and gaining new insights and approaches. This is also a technique you can use with your own colleagues and learners.


Coaching Skills

Date and time: Friday 07 June, 09:30-12:00

Venue: Islington GP Federation Offices - 16/18, 8 Hornsey St, London N7 8EG

The Islington Faculty are delighted to be hosting our first in person Islington Multiprofessional Education Group. We will get to know each other a bit better, share some of our favourite ice breakers and cover some theory and practise Coaching Skills in small groups and pairs for Educators, Health Care Professionals and Managers and a new session on supporting Learners and Colleagues with Neurodiversity. This will be a fun and interactive morning, spaces are limited so be sure to book now!