Information for Islington primary care new starters 

Firstly, welcome to Islington!  

On this page you will find information to help you get started in your role working in primary care in Islington.  

Islington primary care works to bring together health and care organisations from across the borough with the aim of working collaboratives to ensure the needs of Islington’s population are met. 

We have developed an induction pack to help colleagues navigate local services and learn about other health and care organisations. You can download a copy of the induction pack below - watch the short video to help you navigate the different sections of the pack. 

Induction pack 

Islington Induction Event 

Islington Training Hub hosts an induction event every year. This event is open to all roles who are new to working in primary care. We encourage anyone who is new to the borough and works in primary care to join – even if you joined 12 months ago! 

The next induction event will take place in August 2024. We are taking names of colleagues who would like to attend the next induction event and will inform them once details (such as location and time) are available.