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What is cervical ectropion?
Cervical ectropion is common and harmless. It is not linked to cervical cancer or any other condition that causes cancer.
Cervical ectropion happens when cells from inside the cervical canal (glandular cells) are present on the outside surface of the cervix (the transformation zone). Glandular cells are red, so the area may look red.
The cervix
If you have cervical ectropion, your nurse can usually see it during cervical screening (a smear test). In the past, you might have heard it called cervical erosion, but it is now called cervical ectropion or cervical eversion.
How do you get cervical ectropion?
A lot of people are born with cervical ectropion, but it can be caused by hormonal changes. This means you are more likely to have it if you are:
· younger
· going through puberty
· pregnant
· taking the contraceptive pill.
Symptoms of cervical ectropion
Cervical ectropion does not cause any problems for most women. It usually goes away without treatment.
However, cells from inside the cervical canal bleed more easily and can produce more mucus than cells on the outside. This means cervical ectropion may cause:
· spotting (light bleeding), discharge, or pain during or after sex
· pain or spotting during or after cervical screening.
If any of these symptoms cause problems for you, there are treatments that may help. If you take the contraceptive pill, sometimes switching to a different contraception can help manage a cervical ectropion. Your GP can talk this through with you and refer you for further treatment if needed.
Treating cervical ectropion
If you choose to have treatment, the treatment seals the glandular cells to stop any bleeding. This is called cautery. Silver nitrate is used to cauterise the glandular cells. You will not usually need a local anaesthetic.
Other treatment options performed in colposcopy clinics include
· Diathermy, which uses an electric current to cauterise the top layer of the cervix. It is done under local anaesthetic.
· Cryocautery, which uses a cold spray to cauterise the glandular cells. You will not usually need a local anaesthetic.
After treatment
After silver nitrate cauterisation you may have some bleeding or discharge. You may also feel some pain similar to being on your period. It usually takes about one week to heal after treatment. Don't use tampons, have penetrative sex or go swimming during this time to avoid the risk of infection.
Problems after treatment aren't common, but speak with your GP if you have:
· severe pain that does not go away after using pain killers
· heavy bleeding
· vaginal discharge that smells bad